Books: Christian

Women of the Word                    Jen Wilkin

See here for a review.

A Meal With Jesus                      Tim Chester

We read this book as a team, discussing a chapter every other week. Tim Chester uses passages from Luke to show us how important food, hospitality, open homes etc are and the bigger realities these things point to. The chapter headings are: Meals as Enacted Grace, Community, Hope, Mi***on, Salvation and Promise. 

The Message of 2 Timothy       John Stott

Clear, concise, moving, applied commentary on 2 Timothy. Highly recommended.

Bringing Lucy Home                             Jennifer Phillips

I was glad to discover the author Jennifer Phillips from an article about parenting she wrote on The Gospel Coalition website. In this book she very amusingly writes about her family life as they moved from America to Australia; then the adoption process as they adopted Lucy from China and all the trials they faced in the process. I loved the way she writes so honestly and the lessons she draws out of the circumstances God choose for them. 

The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life. Psalms 1-12    Dale Ralph Davis

Such a great commentary on the first 12 Psalms. Really helped me get out of bed in the morning, having studying the Psalms with this book to look forward to each day!
See here for more.

Counter Culture                 David Platt

Brilliant. Can't recommend it highly enough. See here for a review.

Toxic Charity                       Robert D. Lupton

Fascinating and very thought provoking. See here for a review.

Generous Justice                  Tim Keller

Book review here for this excellent book

A Praying Life                      Paul Miller

Brilliant! See here for a review.

Romans For You 1-7  
Romans For You 8-16            Tim Keller

These are the most amazing commentaries on Romans (2 books). Keller is so clear and engaging as he opens up and explains the text. I really appreciate his use of illustrations. Each section ends with three thought-provoking questions.

Revelation Unwrapped         John Richardson

This really helped me to study Revelation. It's quite short and do-able but opens up so much in the book and has some really helpful cross references.

Steadfast Love                    Lauren Chandler

An easy to read book but with a lot of depth on God being our anchor in times of trouble. Chandler walks through Psalm 107 with deep Biblical insight and using helpful examples from her own life including the diagnosis of her husband Matt's brain tumour diagnosis. 

Zeal Without Burnout        Christopher Ash

I found it helpful revisiting parts of this excellent book recently. Full of wisdom and Biblical principles; compassionately written.

Habits of Grace           David Mathis

I loved this book. It's full of Biblical wisdom about the three spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer and church. Many subjects were covered such as fasting, meditation, memorisation, journalling, communion, and how we use our time.

Holiness                             Nancy Leigh de Moss

I was so helped and challenged by this book. See here for more.

Brokenness                        Nancy Leigh de Moss

A very helpful, challenging book that searches the heart, helps to identify pride, looks at what it is to have a "humble and contrite heart". Part of a trilogy (the other 2 books are Surrender and Holiness). Includes a discussion guide.

Hunger for God                   John Piper

Brilliant. So challenging and helpful. See here for more.

Captive in Iran                   M.Rostampour & M.Amirizadeh

A very challenging account of 2 Cn women in Iran, imprisoned for their faith. So moving and a help to me to be more bold in sharing and praying for Cns in prison. I loved seeing God's good plan amidst what appeared to be a nightmare situation: the Cn women shared more in prison than they ever could have done when they were free. A brilliant book.

1 Peter, Bible Speaks Today Commentary                Edmund Clowney

This wasn't the best BST commentary I've ever read but it certainly had some gems which I really appreciated as I studied 1 Peter.

Filling up the Afflictions of Christ           John Piper

This is an excellent book, first about the place of believers' suffering in God's plan for the nations to know him; then there are three short biographies  about William Tyndale, John G. Paton and Adoniram Judson. I was challenged, moved, inspired. I loved the wealth of Scripture references, especially in the introduction.

Samuel Zwemer                                        Janet & Geoff Benge

This was an interesting overview of Zwemer's life in the Middle East.

Living Beyond Yourself:  Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit      Beth Moore

A 10 week Biblestudy course on the fruit of the Spirit. There is a general overview of Galatians then a week per fruit. I benefited a lot from this.

Praying the Word                                     Beth Moore

A wonderful book to help you pray God's Word. Topically arranged.

King's Cross                                            Tim Keller

I loved this book. It really helped me understand the Gospel of Mark better and Keller applies it so well.

The Inmates are running the Asylum: Thoughts on following Jesus, Amish romance, the daniel plan, the Tebow effect, and the odds of finding your soulmate               Stephen Altrogge

This is a book compiled of essays on the above and other topics. It's a fun, quick read with some insightful Biblical lessons.

Untamable God: Encountering the One who is bigger, better, and more dangerous than you could possibly imagine                                                    Stephen Altrogge

The title says it all. Brilliant book challenging our reduced views of God. Very readable.

Billy Graham. America's Pastor                                    Janet & Geoff Benge
(Christian Heroes Today series; Audible)

I realised how ignorant I was about Billy Graham so this was a helpful overview of his life and ministry. I also found it interesting finding out quite a lot about modern American history.

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert               Rosaria Champagne Butterfield

I listened to this on Audible, read by the author. I thought it was 'just' going to be her conversion story, but it was far more than that. It is full of thoughts and wisdom and Bible and lessons learned from various stages of her life.

Mary Slessor: Forward into Calabar                             Janet & Geoff Benge
(Christian Heroes Today series)

This was a great book to listen to on Audible (except that the American reader didn't know how to pronounce 'Edinburgh' correctly!). A fascinating life to learn about and I was especially challenged by her sacrificial lifestyle in terms of hard work and rough living conditions.

Lilian Trasher: The Greatest Wonder in Egypt                       Janet & Geoff Benge 
(Christian Heroes Today series)

I love this series as the books are quick to read and give a good overview. I was challenged by Lilian Trasher's sacrificial lifestyle and her faith. God provided miraculously for her personal needs and the needs of her orphanage over and over again.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness                   Janet & Geoff Benge
(Christian Heroes Today series)

I listened to this as an audio book from Audible. It was fascinating to listen to and I found the accounts of what it was like to be living in Germany from World War 1, after the war and leading up and during World War 2 particularly interesting.

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness            Tim Keller

A very short book, quick read. Helpful insights into gospel-humility, pride and self-esteem.

Risk Is Right                      John Piper

Why hadn't read this before now?! It's logic on fire. I found the part about what it means to be "more than conquerors" particularly helpful. It's a very short book but one that needs to be read slowly and prayerfully.

Any 3. Anyone, Anywhere, Any time      Mike Shipman

Method for 'ev'. I found the way he demolished the reasons we are too 'careful' in ev very helpful

Extravagant Grace              Barbara Duguid                         

 Totally brilliant, all about sin and grace

Found in Him                     Elyse Fitzpatrick                         

Makes you rejoice in knowing Christ

From Fear to Freedom        Rosemarie Miller                        

Really spoke to me. How many of us live under the slavery of fear?

Seeking A, Finding Jesus   Nabeel Qureshi                        

Gripping testimony, informative

The Beloved Disciple         Beth Moore                               

 A study of the Apostle John

A Woman's Wisdom          Lydia Brownback                      

I need to read this once a year- full of wisdom; opens up Proverbs

Things Pondered                Beth Moore                                

A selection of thoughts and poems; heartwarming

Jeremiah (BST)                  Derek Kidner                            

Such a helpful tool for studying Jeremiah

Sheet Music                          Dr Kevin Leman

Very helpful for married couples

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