Friday, January 12, 2018

Women of the Word

Product DetailsI started this book a long time ago and have only just finished it because I wanted to use it to study the book of James. Jen Wilkins teaches how to engage our minds and study the Bible for ourselves with the 5 Ps of Purpose, Perspective, Patience, Process and Prayer.

She brings these concepts all together in one of the final chapters using James 1.1-18 to show how. Something I really appreciated was how she teaches that the Bible is a book primarily about God, not about me. So I first need to ask these questions:

1. What does this passage teach me about God?
2. How does this aspect of God's character change my view of self?
3. What should I do in response?

For example, from chapter 1 of James:

1.1- "a servant of God"- God has authority. I don't. Please Father, help me to submit fully to you. Where am I not submitting?

1.5- "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God."- God is wisdom. I need it. I'm not wise. I particularly need wisdom for these areas at the moment....

1.5- "God, who gives generously"- God is generous. I'm often not. I can be ungenerous if it's going to hurt me. Especially with my time. I need to be more generous in giving my time willingly to my children- especially with K when she wants to play Go Fish and I don\t want to!

1.12- "the Lord has promised"- God is a promise maker and a promise keeper. Am I faithful to my word and promises? Do I make promises too easily and find them difficult to keep?

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