Saturday, January 21, 2017


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I've just read Nancy Leigh de Moss' book Holiness and it is one of the best books I've ever read on the subject. It is very hard hitting, using many Biblical references and examples from hers and others' lives. She very helpfully applies what she teaches and I was particularly helped by how she rigorously helps with self- evaluation. Her 'lists' are ones which deserve a lot of time taken over them to really prayerfully consider how we fall short of God's standard of holiness. Her chapter on the seriousness of sin is brilliant, very convicting.

Here's some things from the book:

How little people know who tihnk that holiness is dull.
When one meets the real is irresistible.

John Owen:
Be killing sin,
or it will be klling you.

Why are we so prone to defend choices that take us right to the edge of sin, and so reluctant to make radical choices to protect our hearts and minds from sin?

Though you have struggled in vain against your evil habits, thou have wrestled with them sternly, and resolved and re-resolved, only to be defeated by your giant sins and your terrible passions, there is one who can conquer all of your sins for you. There is one who is stronger than Hercules, who can strangle the hydra of your lust, kill the lion of your passions, and cleanse the Augean stable of your evil nature by turning the great rivers of blood and water of his atoning sacrifice right through your soul. He can make and keep you pure within. Oh, look to him!

A pursuit of holiness that is not Christ-centred will soon be reduced to moralism, pharisaical self-righteousness, and futile self-effort. Such pseudo-holiness leads to bondage, rather than liberty; it is unattractive to the world and unacceptable to God. Only fixing our eyes and our hopes on Christ can we expect that authentic, warm, inviting holiness that He alone can produce in us. No amount of striving or self-effort can make us holy. Only Christ can do that. As we turn our eyes upon Him, we will find Him to be our "priceless treasure, source of purest pleasure." We will begin to desire Him- His beauty, His righteousness- more than we deisre the sparkling enticements this world has to offer. And we will be transformed into his likeness.

[This makes me think of that beaustiful song Fix your eyes upon Jesus:]

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