Friday, September 14, 2018

Power in Weakness

2 Corinthians: Power in Weakness
But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness
2 Cor 12. 9a


This is the summit of the epistle, the lofty peak from which the whole is viewed in true proportion. The grand theme, the melodic line, of 2 Corinthians is authentic ministry as Paul describes and defends the ministry of the new covenant. And the persistent motif of authentic ministry is power in weakness.

 The massed force of Paul’s repeated eloquent statements of power in weakness is meant to capture our souls and make it the motif of our lives.

Power in weakness is shorthand for the cross of Christ. In God’s plan of redemption, there had to be weakness (crucifixion) before there was power (resurrection).


I read this as we arrived back home and felt an extreme sense of weakness. The Lord was so good to give me the end of 2 Corinthians to study during these days of getting back. In the face of heat, power cuts, too much to do in too little time, tiredness, people's expectations, lost suitcases, cultural rules etc etc we felt very weak. But that's a good place to be! It's the place that drives us to the cross, the ultimate place where God's power in weakness is displayed. It has been good to be encouraged to embrace and acknowledge our weaknesses because as Hughes says, "as we give them to Christ, they become occasions for his strength and glory."

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