Sunday, August 26, 2018

The War on Women: Book Review

 The War on Women by [Roberts, Sue Lloyd]

This book was written by the journalist Sue Lloyd Roberts and was a fascinating but disturbing read. The author died before she completed the book and so her daughter finished the last chapter for her. That chapter is interesting but unbelievably insulting to stay at home mums! I enjoy the books I have read by BBC journalists and this one was no exception. Some of the topics in the book were hard to read but so important to know about. It's written from a feminist, anti-Christian perspective but I believe it's so important for Christians to engage on these issues and to be aware of the atrocities that have gone on and are continuing to go on around the world against women.

Here's a list of the topics covered:
Grandmothers in Argentina's dirty war
Ireland's fallen women
Saudi Arabia
Egypt: the protests
Russia: Sex trafficking
UN Peacekeepers and sex workers
Forced marriages
Honour killings
Rape as a weapon of war
Gender pay gap

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