Wednesday, October 25, 2017

All Sorts, But a Lot of Food...

Peter Rabbit
My neighbour taught me how to make meqloob (layers of rice, veg, meat and chicken). It means 'upside down'.
We drink a lot of tea and eat a lot of beans and sunflower seeds.
Tea and olives- a delicious combo
J went on TV to talk about cycling and all sorts of other things too as it turned out.
A visit to friends at one of the Syrian refugee camps.

Learning about Michaelangelo: painting our version of the Sistine Chapel
(see more on Home School Projects page).
And more food: we love this season's fruit- melons, figs, pomegranates especially
Oh and a bit more food: this time fer chips which we discovered the other day-
they cut a potato into a spiral, deep fry them and flavour them with all sorts
K started school and we are so very proud of her. She's loving  it, speaking great K'ish and making lots of friends.
The English she's learning is a little suspect at times though!
We've been learning about stars in school (see Home School page)
Our garden after having been paved. So much cleaner and tidier now
 (we gave up on grass a long time ago).

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