Sunday, March 1, 2020

Grump Medicine

 I really do believe that the best medicine for dealing with the grumps (and boy do we have a large dose of them at the moment) is to go and visit friends in the IDP or refugee camps. It pretty much always cheers us up and helps us to be more content and grateful with whatever it is we're feeling grumpy about! 

Today we drove out through the beautiful newly-green fields to a camp full of Shingalis (both Yezidis and Muslims). We visited friends there whose street is full of their tribe, making it a very sociable place. Some on that street found out last week that a mass grave has been found of 23 of their relatives, killed and buried by ISIS. Two teenage girls have just been returned to their families on the street after having been in ISIS captivity since 2014. It's important to keep remembering the trauma these people have been through and continue to go through.

We had an afternoon of arts and crafts, babies and stories:

Rocking the baby to sleep!


 A Saturday outing to the park and ice-cream shop:

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