Monday, February 17, 2020

Knee Work!

Deuteronomy: Loving Obedience to a Loving God (Preaching the Word) by [Fernando, Ajith]
Fernando commenting on chapter 9, Moses on the mountain receiving the Law:

We, especially those of us in leadership positions, often mediate God’s message to his people. Parents do this with their children. Preachers lead their people into an understanding of God’s ways and plan for their lives and for the community to which they belong. Because the world’s way of thinking is so different from God’s way of thinking, it is vitally important that the leaders of God’s people orient their minds to God’s way of thinking. The only way we can do this is by lingering in the presence of God in prayer and with his Word, like Moses did.

As the church is an institution in society, we can adopt methods of leadership that are proven to be effective in society and see significant growth and what looks like success. But because God’s thoughts and ways are so different from the thoughts and ways of the world (Isaiah 55:8, 9), what looks like success in the world could be failure in God’s sight. This is why it is so dangerous when Christian leaders do not spend extended times with God. They could lead God’s people away from God! Current statistics of the behavior and lifestyles of Christians suggests that something is wrong in the program of the church. We don’t seem to be able to nurture godly people in the church! Could it be that our programs are attracting people to church but not to the ways of God? 

Our leadership must flow from intimate communion with God. I would say that this is the most important part of the schedule of any Christian, especially a Christian leader. When the great British Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892) was asked the secret of his success, he replied, “Knee work! Knee work.”

Take time to be holy, the world rushes on; 
Spend much time in secret with Jesus alone. 
By looking to Jesus, like him thou shalt be; 
Thy friends in thy conduct his likeness shall see.
William Longstaff

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