Sunday, September 29, 2019

We Can Do A Little

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret (Moody Classics)

I look on foreign Ms as the scaffolding round a rising building; the sooner it can be dispensed with the better- or the sooner, rather, that it can be transferred to serve the same temporary purpose elsewhere.


In a note to his wife that spring HT included a sobering report:
"The balance in hand yesterday was 87 cents." But to that he added, "The Lord reigns; herein is our joy and rest!"
And to Mr Butler he added, when the balance was still lower, "We have this- and all the promises of God."


Jenny Taylor, HT's second wife:
of all our work the most important is that unseen, upon the mount of intercession.


Flesh and heart often fail: let them fail! He faileth not. Pray very much, pray constantly, for Satan rages against us...There is much to distress.


How are we going to treat the Lord Jesus Christ with regard to this last command ["Preach the gospel to every creature"]? Shall we definitely drop the title 'Lord' as applied to Him? Shall we take the ground that we are quite willing to recognise Him as our Saviour, as far as the penalty of sin is concerned, but are not prepared to own ourselves 'bought at a price', or Christ as having claim to our unquestioning obedience?...

How few of the Lord's people have practically recognised the truth that Christ is either Lord of all or He is not Lord at all! If we can judge God's Word, instead of being judged by it, if we can give God as much or little as we like, then we are lords and He the indebted one, to be grateful for our dole and obliged by our compliance with His wishes. If on the other hand He is Lord, let us treat Him as such. 'Why call ye me, Lord, Lord and do not do the things which I say?'


We cannot do much, but we can do a little, and God can do a great deal.


"Faithful is he who made the promises."
In his heartbreak after the death of his wife Jenny, HT told a friend,
"All we have to do is look out with patience to see how He will prove it true."


HT's death, described by his daughter-in-law:
It was not death- but the glad, swift entry upon life immortal.
...and oh, the look of rest and calm that came over the dear face was wonderful! The weight of years seemed to pass away in a few moments. The weary lines vanished. He looked like a child quietly sleeping, and the very room seemed full of unutterable peace.

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