Sunday, September 29, 2019

There is Only One Christ

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret (Moody Classics)
From the book's (revised edition) Epilogue:

What was the secret of this spiritual giant's strength? What enabled his life to male such an impact? 
Part of his secret was expressed in the words to one of his favourite verses:

He told me of a river bright
That flows from Him to me,
That I might be, for His delight,
A fair and fruitful tree.

"It is very simple," he wrote. "But has he not planted us by the river of living water that we may be, for His delight, fair and fruitful to His people?"

God came first in HT's life- not the work, not the needs of China or the mission, not his own experiences. He knew that the promise was true, "Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

To HT, the secret of overcoming lay in daily, hourly fellowship with God. This, he learned, could only be maintained by personal prayer and faithful meditation on God's Word.

The hardest part of a My career, HT admitted, was to maintain regular, prayerful Bible study. "Satan will always find you something to do," he would say, "when you ought to be occupied about that, if it is only arranging a window blind."

Hudson Taylor not only read [the Word], he lived it. He stopped at no sacrifice in following Christ. "Cross-loving men are needed," he wrote...and if he could speak to us today he would no doubt say again:
"There is a needs-be for us to give ourselves for the life of the world. An easy, non self-denying life will never be one of power. Fruit-bearing involves cross-bearing. There are not two Christs- an easy-going one for easy-going Christians, and a suffering, toiling one for exceptional believers. There is only one Christ. Are you willing to abide in Him, and thus to bear much fruit?"

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