Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Little Discomfort

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret (Moody Classics)

Hudson Taylor and the other Ms had made their way into the Interior of China but were struggling to find anywhere to live. Eventually they found somewhere but it was less than luxurious. Reading this really challenged me when I am tempted to complain about discomfort and to pray for a mindset and priorities like Hudson Taylor's:

It is pretty cold weather to be living in a house without any ceilings and with very few walls and windows. There is a deficiency in the wall of my own bedroom six foot by nine, closed in with a sheet, so that ventilation is decidedly free. But we heed these things very little. Around us are poor...heathen- large cities without any M; populous towns without M; villages without number, all destitute of the means of grace. I do not envy the state of mind that would forget these, or leave them to perish, for fear of a little discomfort.


Another M said this of HT:

kind, loving, thoughtful of everyone but himself, a blessing wherever he went and a strength and comfort to all with whom he came into contact.
He goes on so quietly and calmly always- just leaning upon God and living for others- that it is a blessing merely to witness his life.


To be content with God's will and way is rest. Things may not be in many respects as I would wish them, but if God permits them to be so, or so orders them, I may well be content. Mine is to obey, His to direct. Hence I am not only able to bear up against the new trial...but to be fully satisfied about it, not to wish it otherwise but to thank God for it.


If you are ever drinking at the Fountain with what will your life be running over? -Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!


An observer of HT's praying:

I had never heard anyone pray like that. There was a simplicity, a tenderness, a boldness, a power that hushed and subdued me, and made it clear that God had admitted him to the inner circle of his friendship. Such praying was evidently the outcome of long tarrying in the secret place, and was a dew from the Lord.

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