Saturday, February 2, 2019

Crazy Busy

Crazy Busy

I listened to this book on Audible which I kind of regret because there is so much in it to take in and learn from and I'm not a good aural learner. But I just need to listen to it again sitting down with paper and pen in hand (or maybe blog!) and make notes from it. It is just so good. It's a short book full of wisdom and practical ideas and helpful in looking behind the why of our busyness. One little nugget of advice I've been putting into practice is about prayer. We often feel overwhelmed by all the prayer needs and requests we hear and feel guilty for not praying more. He suggests that for some prayer needs just resolve to pray for that thing there and then when you hear it. Some things it's okay just to pray for once and move on without guilt.

Here's a description of the book from Amazon:

I'm too busy. We've all heard it; we've all said it. Sometimes being busy seems like the theme of our lives. Yet this frenetic pace poses a serious threat to our physical, social and even spiritual well-being. In this mercifully short book about a really big problem, best-selling author Kevin DeYoung rejects the 'busyness as usual' mindset, arguing that a life of constant chaos is far from what God intends. DeYoung helps us figure out a better way forward, as he strikes a mature and well-reasoned balance between doing nothing and doing everything. With his usual warmth, humour and honesty, DeYoung deftly attacks the widespread 'crazy busy' epidemic and offers up the restful cure we've all been too busy to find.

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