Sunday, August 12, 2018

Lilias' Ponderings

A Passion for the Impossible
The only valid question, she believed, was how anyone who had experienced the light of eternity “in the face of Jesus Christ” could withhold that light and life and love from those who had not. It was irrelevant what their creed was or was not, and whether they were in North Africa or England; the crux of the matter was that they were without Christ. “All that is of dimness and dreariness and hopeless heart-emptiness is wrapped up in those two words—without Christ.”


We held our plans before God.


When God delays in fulfilling our little thoughts, it is to have Himself room to work out His great ones.


In all the withholdings of this year, God, as is His wont, has been ‘opening a door’ where He ‘closes a window.’


Time is so short that it behooves us each to lay out our days to what it seems to us will give the widest & surest return in God’s Kingdom & this is what he is doing.


How many of us have said and sung with all our hearts “Anywhere with Jesus,” but at the time we did not realize all that it meant for us. Indeed at home, and surrounded by all that home means, we could not know. When the test comes we must not forget that “Anywhere” means for Ms something different from life in England, and let us take very good care not to make a misery of anything that “anywhere” brings us. To us in Algeria it must mean sometime or other, Arab food. Do we object to it? And mice, do we mind them? And mosquitos, do we think them dreadful? In some parts it means close contact with dirt and repulsive disease. Yet if Jesus is there what have we possibly to complain of? It means living among a stiff-necked and untrue people and struggling with a strange and difficult language. And yet let us evermore write over all our miseries, big, and for the most part very little, these transforming words “With Jesus.” And then the very breath of Heaven will breathe upon our whole being and we shall be glad.

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