Saturday, May 12, 2018

How the Kingdom Advances

Acts 1-12 For You

Mohler on Acts 11.19-30, The Church in Antioch:

Once again, we see the result of faithful gospel preaching: “And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord” (v 21). It is quite extraordinary to consider just how often we find this type of phrase in Acts. Regularly, the Lord saves a multitude as the church faithfully fulfills its commission to preach the gospel. Regrettably, in our own day, many churches have turned away from the simplicity of preaching and evangelism. Some churches and Christians seem to think that preaching and evangelism are ineffective means of advancing the kingdom. Instead, many church-growth books advocate an endless array of marketing strategies and clever programs designed to bring people into the church. But God’s ways are far simpler and far more effective. This is his church-growth book: it is called Acts. Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered preaching and evangelism are his appointed means of bringing people into his kingdom.

 We should particularly note that the disciples in this passage did not have access to an enormous amount of money, or any status in the culture, or clever marketing techniques. These Christians were harassed and under constant threat of persecution. Yet God blessed their efforts to simply and clearly communicate the gospel to their friends and neighbors and anyone they met. Let us never doubt God’s power to save through the simple means of gospel preaching.

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