Saturday, February 3, 2018


John 1-12 For You: Find deeper fulfillment as you meet the Word (God's Word For You) by [Moody, Josh]

Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 
John 8.34

Josh Moody:

 As ever, Jesus manages to summarize a profound truth in simple terms, in a way that continues to find echoes in the most complex analyses of human personality. Addictive behaviors—the way in which repeated actions create channels in the physiological and biochemical architecture of our minds—are all reflective of this simple statement: that whoever sins is a slave to sin. Habits are not easily broken, and when they are sinful habits, they spiral down into slavery. We may feel we choose to sin but, in fact, that sin is our master. 

But the truth will set us free, and so the truth immediately offers hope. A slave has no “permanent place” in the family, whereas a son does (v 35). Jesus is “the Son,” and so, if he sets you free, “you will be free indeed” (v 36). Jesus is offering freedom from the slavery of sin. What a wonderful prospect of hope it is that he holds before the eyes of those around him! 

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