Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Look, the Lamb of God!

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Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
John 1.29

Josh Moody:

It is as we look at that Lamb, rather than at ourselves, our problems, or other people, and it is as we call others away from centering on themselves to centering on him, that we find, and offer, life. Life in all its fullness—that great sub-theme of John—percolates through our beings as we behold, not ourselves, but him—the Lamb who takes away our sins.

This challenges me as I talk to people here, firstly, that I must always point to the Lamb, and not let him be obscured by the foreigner or by some scheme/project. Secondly, as I talk to people and hear all their problems, that I must point out that our sin is the ultimate problem- not the government, the recession, IS, the war etc. I'm thankful for a verse like this to make me sit back, regroup and see the bigger picture.

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