Thursday, January 11, 2018


Christmas was a bit of a blur because I wasn't feeling well but it was fun at the same time. On Christmas Eve we had a mix of locals and expats over for dinner, nativity play, games and film night. Thankfully our box from England arrived the day before with all sorts of goodies in including mince pies (phew, can't do Christmas without those), Christmas pudding and cranberry sauce. I do still miss parsnips, sprouts and brandy butter, but hey ho, not a big loss in the grand scheme of things!

Christmas Day saw me in bed most of the day but in the evening a flood of local friends and neighbours came by to wish us a "Happy Eid" which was manic but lovely. It started when a family came over on their own and insisted we put on a bit of a concert for them!

Christmas slippers
We then had our family Christmas on Boxing Day, avoided having visitors until the evening when more expat and local friends came over and we had a fun evening around our wonderful woodburner. We attempted to toast crumpets (from the UK) and we successfully roasted chestnuts and marshmallows. A woodburner is a lovely thing to have because you can give your guests jobs to do: you can hand out the walnuts to crack, marshmallows to skew and roast, and bananas to stuff with chocolate and cloves to stick in the oranges to create a Christmassy smell!

On J's birthday on the 28th we went out for dinner at a Turkish restaurant and stopped off to greet the "Trump Fish" owner on the way home!

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