Monday, May 4, 2020

Mortal Hostility

Psalms For You: How to pray, how to feel and how to sing (God's Word For You)

They wander about for food,
and howl if not satisfied.
Psalm 59.15


Like ever-hungry dogs, they “howl if not satisfied”. And they never will be satisfied until they have David dead. Nothing less will do. So long as God’s king lives, their rebellious hearts can never be quiet; they will always have the appetite for more hostility. It was the same with Jesus: “Crucify him!” was the only demand that his enemies made. It is the same today with the persecuted church of Christ; nothing less than the removal of all things truly Christian will satisfy a hostile world. Of course, when the church is not truly Christian, the world may be very satisfied, for they need not oppose a church that is assimilated to their own values. But when the church follows their king faithfully, mortal hostility is assured.

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