Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Marriage Offer

Psalms For You: How to pray, how to feel and how to sing (God's Word For You)

All glorious is the princess within her chamber,
her gown is interwoven with gold.
Psalm 45.13

Christopher Ash:

Preaching to a society of young women in London in the eighteenth century, the great preacher George Whitefield said this to those who would refuse Christ: 

“Hereby you choose rags before [instead of] robes, dross before gold, pebbles before jewels, guilt before a pardon, wounds before healing, defilement before cleansing, deformity before comeliness, trouble before peace, slavery before liberty, the service of the devil before the service of Christ. Hereby you choose dishonour before a crown, death before life, hell before heaven, eternal misery and torment before everlasting joy and glory. And need there be any further evidence of your folly and madness, in refusing and neglecting Christ to be your spouse?” 
(Sermons, volume 1, page 117-18) 

This exhortation should be heeded by all of us, female or male. It is the utmost folly to refuse to be incorporated by faith into the bride of such a bridegroom!

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