Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Deuteronomy: Loving Obedience to a Loving God (Preaching the Word) by [Fernando, Ajith]

The last assertion of the paragraph we are looking at is powerful: “. . . .and you will perish quickly off the good land that the LORD is giving you” (11:17). Here is God giving them a “good land.” But they reject God in favor of another way. They say that this other god would look after them better or satisfy them better. Every act of disobedience is a statement that God does not truly satisfy us. Sometimes we do this unconsciously, as when a Christian turns to pornography for pleasure or when a Christian in a desperate situation tells a lie or steals something to get out of the mess in which he finds himself. Sometimes it is done consciously as when a Christian says she has waited long enough for God to provide a Christian spouse, but because he has not done so she will marry a non-Christian who has expressed interest in her.

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