Saturday, November 16, 2019

All-Out Effort

Philippians For You (God's Word For You)
I want to know Christ....
I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 
Phil 3.10, 12


The verb "press on" (dioko) means to run or flee, to catch a person or thing. It is a word used of a sprinter running a race. The idea is that he is running swiftly after something, like a runner pressing on to the finish line. Picture the runner widening his stride, pumping his arms, accelerating his legs and pushing out his chest for the finish line. This is Paul’s all-out effort to pursue Christ.


This is convicting to me as I think of my morning routine: the number of times I press snooze on my alarm, how much I don't want to get up, how I'm tempted to waste time looking at my phone (and sadly giving into that temptation). I want to be like this sprinter who presses on, giving my all to win the prize, giving my all to know Christ better, which for me -on a very practical level- is getting out of bed when my alarm goes off and spending time with the Lord Jesus in the Word and prayer. 

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