Monday, October 14, 2019


Different: Our witness and the sins that work against it

About this book from the back cover:

David Martin calls us to live out a radically different and courageous Christianity within our Western culture. He pictures a Christianity that is vitally alive, attractive, and that stands out so much from the world around it that outsiders are drawn in.

Some extracts from the book:

Our hearts are built to love, so if we are not loving one thing, we will inexorably be driven to love something else.


The tactic we use when speaking to and discipling our children is to get to their hearts. We help them to see and acknowledge that the reason why they are really struggling to obey us is because they are really struggling to trust us as their parents. In turn, even in a loving family environment, that trust needs to be earned.


Martin Luther:
"The sin underneath all our sins is to trust the lie of the serpent that we cannot trust the love and grace of Christ and must take matters into our own hands."


Our hearts long for recognition, and this has the potential to wreck any ministry.


We fail to see all these [holidays, technology, pension etc] are temporal and passing away. We even pass these priorities unthinkingly to our children. We may convince ourselves that the best course of action is to send them to a school that churns out the highest achievers. We do this not realising that the school's entire ethos burns a love for the world in their hearts that ensures they will never prize heaven.

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