Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hudson Taylor

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret (Moody Classics)

I have been really enjoying reading this book (the revised and edited one by Gregg Lewis). It is a biography of Hudson Taylor, but it is so much more than that. You get a glimpse into his heart and mind and see his struggles, triumphs and how he learnt that God was enough for him even in the most horrendous circumstances.

Some quotations:

For what service I was accepted I knew not, but a deep consciousness that I was not my own took possession of me which has never since been effaced.


God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies.


The less I spent on myself and the more I gave to others,
the fuller of happiness and blessing did my soul become.

On William Burns, a fellow worker in China, his biographer said,

His whole life was literally a life of prayer, and his ministry a series of battles fought at the mercy seat.


My faith was not untried....But oh! I was learning to know him. I would not even have missed the trial. He became so near, so intimate!


People said Hudson and Maria were crazy for taking 24 new recruits to China with them,
"Before long you may find yourself without even the necessities of life!"
To which HT replied,
"I am taking my children with me, and I notice it is not difficult to remember that they need breakfast in the morning, dinner at midday, and supper at night. Indeed, I could not forget them if I tried. And I find it impossible to think that our heavenly Father is less tender and mindful of his children than I, a poor earthly father, am of mine. No, he will not forget us!"

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