Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fully Convinced

Colossians & Philemon For You


Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3.2-3

Mark Meynell:

We are bound to him. In fact, our lives are “now hidden with Christ”. This means we are safe and secure in Christ. Where could possibly be safer? 

There is an inspiring story about the preacher John Chrysostom (his nickname literally means “golden-mouthed”), who was hauled up before the Byzantine Empress Eudoxia when he was Archbishop of Constantinople (AD 398-404). She was evidently frustrated by his independence and resistance to her authority. So, in common with powerful people since the dawn of time, she threatened him. First, she tried to scare him with banishment. He replied:

 ”You cannot banish me, for this world is my Father’s house.” 

“But I will kill you,” said the empress.

 “No, you cannot, for my life is hid with Christ in God,” said John.

 “I will take away your treasures.”

 “No, you cannot, for my treasure is in heaven and my heart is there.”

 “But I will drive you away from your friends and you will have no one left.” 

“No, you cannot, for I have a Friend in heaven from whom you cannot separate me. I defy you, for there is nothing you can do to harm me.” 

You can’t fault John’s logic. He does not deny that the various punishments Eudoxia threatens him with are grim or difficult. He simply knows that his belonging to Christ puts them all into perspective. They are all relativised. They are futile weapons against someone who is secure in Jesus. Down the centuries, this has been infuriating for dictators and kings who have tried to bend Christians to their will. Nothing will work when a believer is fully convinced.


One with my Lord I cannot die, 
My soul is purchased by His blood; 
My life is safe with Christ on high, 
With Christ my Saviour and my God.

 (“Before the Throne of God Above”, 
Charitie Lees Bancroft)

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