Sunday, February 17, 2019


David Platt:

All followers of Christ need to be reminded that religion is a subtly dangerous cover-up for spiritual deadness. We go to church, we attend small group, we read the Bible, we go through the motions, we check off the boxes, but if we're not careful, we can miss the point altogether. In all our efforts at moral renewal, we only cover up the curse of sin that lies at the core of who we are. That's why we must ask ourselves some probing questions: Is there life inside me? Is there inner transformation? Is my heart being changed so that I desire Christ more than I desire the things of this world? Is there love and affection for Christ at the root of my obedience? Is Christianity a matter of duty for me or is it a matter of delight? Is holiness being joyfully cultivated in my heart?

(from Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, Matthew)

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