Tuesday, December 18, 2018


The Word Party

Richard Edwards

Loving words clutch crimson roses,
Rude words sniff and pick their noses,
Sly words come dressed up as foxes,
Short words stand on cardboard boxes,
Common words tell jokes and gabble,
Complicated words play Scrabble,
Swear words stamp around and shout,
Hard words stare each other out,
Foreign words look lost and shrug,
Careless words trip on the rug,
Long words slouch with stooping shoulders,
Code words carry secret folders,
Silly words flick rubber bands,
Hyphenated words hold hands,
Strong words show off, bending metal,
Sweet words call each other 'petal',
Small words yawn and suck their thumbs,
Till at last the morning comes.
Kind words give out farewell posies.
Snap! The dictionary closes.

We really enjoyed doing poetry in school this morning. This was one we came across. Here's another one which feels a little too close to home sometimes in our school!

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Late again Blenkinsop?

What’s the excuse this time?

Not my fault sir.
Whose fault is it then?
Grandma’s sir.
Grandma’s. What did she do?
She died sir.
She’s seriously dead all right sir.
That makes four grandmothers this term
And all on PE days Blenkinsop.
I know. It’s very upsetting sir.
How many grandmothers have you got Blenkinsop?
Grandmothers sir? None sir.
All dead sir.
And what about yesterday Blenkinsop?
What about yesterday sir?
You missed maths.
That was the dentist sir.
The dentist died?
No sir. My teeth sir
You missed the test Blenkinsop.
I’d been looking forward to it too sir.
Right, line up for PE.
Can’t sir.
No such word as can’t. Why can’t you?
No kit sir.
Where is it?
Home sir.
What’s it doing at home?
Not ironed sir.
Couldn’t you iron it?
Can’t do it sir.
Why not?
My hand sir.
Who usually does it?
Grandma sir.
Why couldn’t she do it?
Dead sir.

by Gareth Owen 

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