Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Christmas: The Kindness and Love of God made Visible

Titus For You: For Reading, For Feeding, For Leading


There was a point in time “when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, [and] he saved us” (3.4-5). The kindness and love of God have been there all along, intrinsic to who he is—but there was a moment when they appeared in history. And that moment was the first Christmas day. 

Jesus is the kindness and love of God made visible. Humanity had heard about the love of God over the centuries, as it were, in the promises of God and through the prophets. But at the first Christmas, God’s kindness became more than a rumour, more than a promise. It became physical. People could see it and touch it. God has always loved us, but in the incarnation and, most of all, at the crucifixion, his love reached a climax as he gave what was most precious to him, his own Son, to live as a human and die as a criminal. Just how great is the kindness and love of God? Look at the crib; look at the cross. Look at God giving his own beloved Son.

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