Saturday, November 3, 2018

Catch Up

Tigris' 4 kittens- BonBon, Mowgli, Rosan & Impy are growing up fast and are a lot of fun!
Sadly, we had to give one away and one has gone missing. Two more need to find a home....
Home-made cooling system
Welcoming a brand new baby in the neighbourhood!
Neighbourhood bread making
Weekly fellowship group: children's group sitting on the steps and lots of shoes!

K is now in grade 2 of local school.
Various friends come to collect her and drop her off.
I am always so very thankful for neighbours bringing us food at lunchtimes!

Visit to one of the IDP camps, spending an afternoon with Yezidi friends.
The water level in the lake has become horribly depleted due to the lack of rain over the past year or so and all the villas around it sucking out the water. For the first time in 8 years we could see the tops of houses in the village which was submerged when Saddam Hussein built the dam back in the 80s.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting catch-up and other pics. Thank you. All doing well it seems. Blessings. N & B
