Saturday, August 4, 2018

Keswick Convention

We so enjoyed being at the Keswick Convention last week. For so many reasons. I really appreciated Chris Wright teaching through the book of Micah. I loved getting deeply into this book which I didn't know very well before. I appreciated his courage in speaking about little-spoken-about subjects such as justice, compassion, human trafficking, corruption. I also enjoyed Martin Salter's talk on Acts 16. He is a very engaging speaker and does a great job of opening up the text. 

Here's the link to the first of Chris Wright's five talks.

Martin Salter's talk on Acts 16

Stuart Townend led the singing. It was such a joy to be in a tent with 3,500 others (not including all the overflow places) singing God's praises. Shiver down the spine stuff! We also learnt some of his new songs which will be released in October in his new album Courage.

Meeting new people, seeing old friends, getting to know virtual friends who became real was definitely a highlight for us. It is such a huge blessing to spend time with like-minded people with a heart for making God known and whom we felt encouraged and challenged by in our walk with the Lord.

The children's work was fantastic. Such a blessing for our children to have something like this where back home there is nothing. Really good teaching, singing and fun. I loved that they were also taught through the book of Micah so that parents and children could learn together.

And last but not least, the location was incredible! I'd forgotten quite how beautiful the Lakes are. We had a hot, sunny week which meant we spent loads of time outside, walking around Derwent Water, bbq on the beach, swimming and boating on the lake, playing in the park. And the town too is very picturesque.

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