Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Children of Eternity

A Passion for the Impossible
 I have found Lilias' attitude really challenging towards boys who so often are the ones who disturb our peace the most, always knocking on our gate wanting things. I'm going to pray for this kingdom-attitude towards them:

Are we doing our best for the Kingdom of Christ when we are letting boy-lives drift past us, with their priceless chances, into tough Mus manhood, unchallenged for Him?


Boys are ubiquitous, the one human species that seems the same all the world over.


Then a strange peace—almost joy settled down on us—& the certainty of one of God’s sequels worth waiting for as they have ever been in times past when our ways have been switched off the lines on which we counted. (29 March 1917)


It's so easy to give up on prayer rather than actually fight through to a place where you can pray:

One’s first waking then has been heretofore so constantly a time of fighting through to a place where one could pray.


The lesson reinforced during these years of retrieval and advance was one learned during the long hard years when hope was sustained by faith alone: “Time is nothing to God—nothing in its speeding, nothing in its halting—He is the God that inhabiteth eternity.” And children of eternity “can afford to tarry His leisure no matter how short [their] time is.”

 To Lilias this meant that even when there were no outward signs of encouragement, she would keep a listening heart tuned to her Father’s voice, then faithfully do what He said. As she loved to say, “He knew what He would do.” This meant complete rejoicing when His purpose was revealed in the proving of His promises. And it meant for the future that same waiting on God, content with simple obedience, understanding that the results of one’s work on earth may be realized long after one’s time on earth is finished.

Over and over, throughout the pages of her diary, Lilias writes this faith refrain: “Blessed are all they that wait for Him.” She firmly believed that time is nothing to God, nor to His children, “Les Enfants de l’ Eternitie,” the children of eternity.

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