Monday, April 16, 2018

Speech Problems

Dear Mom and Dad: An Adventure in Obedience

Robin RS:

Like with Moses, God is still in the business of using people with speech problems to talk to pharoahs.


Thank you Lord! I'm so thankful God can use people like us who fumble about with the language to speak his truths to people.


In Matthew 28, Jesus commanded His disciples to go and make disciples, teaching them to obey all His commands, baptizing them in His Name. Had we taught people to obey Jesus, or had we only taught them about Him? We no longer separated evangelism from discipleship, but focused on discipling people from the very beginning.


This has really made me think. So take today: a neighbour came over to read with me but she had told her husband she was coming to make a cake. This meant we had to make a cake but it wasn't entirely truthful (and not a complete lie either). If I'm discipling her from the very beginning to be truthful I should tell her to be honest with her husband. (And I certainly don't want to be encouraging deceit in a marriage.) But then does that mean some ladies would never come and read because they wouldn't be allowed to? Aaaarghh, a dilemma to work through.


We began praying like never before. Prayer was no longer just a personal, “devotional time” activity, but part of our job description.


Yes! This is the conclusion we've come to in the past 6 months or so. Prayer before has been a bit of a tagged on activity but now as a team we're saying it's part of our job, so we set aside 'work time' for it and this has been a blessing.

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