Saturday, April 14, 2018


Dear Mom and Dad: An Adventure in Obedience

Steve Rekedal Smith:

I was praying that God would reveal Himself during the project trip, that instead of concentrating only on our skills and work, we would see Him working in significant ways. This is a common prayer of mine these days. It’s the opposite of my typical prayer - “Lord, help me do such and such, or Help me to be such and such.” Instead, these days, I hear myself say, “God, I want to see You at work. Come down and work in a way that is undeniably You. I want to see Your hand move upon people and accomplish things that I cannot.” This is just a small glimpse of what we're learning here on the other side of the world.


This really spoke to me. I find that my prayers for myself are at the moment typically along the lines of "Please help me through today, help me not to lose my temper, help me with home school, give us patience with each other." All very good and necessary things to pray but I'm challenged not to stop there- I need to lift my eyes from our home at times in my prayers and pray for bigger things.

Robin RS from a prayer letter to supporters:

I wish I could explain with words how incredibly wonderful it is to hear that you’ve been praying. I easily forget to pray. How is that? I’m the one living through this stuff, but I’m the one who doesn't pray? It’s so wonderful that our Lord doesn't condemn me, but instead puts me/ us on the hearts of people like you who are faithful to pray. Thank you. We couldn't survive here without your prayers.


I echo this- to those of you who pray for us- thank you. We couldn't survive here without your prayers.


Robin RS:

What used to drive us crazy, now drives us to our knees.


I think I'm still at the "driving us crazy" stage. Lord, help me move quickly to the "drives us to our knees" response to these things.

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