Friday, April 13, 2018


Dear Mom and Dad: An Adventure in Obedience

I'm thankful for this book recommendation from a friend (I've only just started it, but so far so good). Rekedal Smith and her family served in India for 12 years. This book is for the most part a collection of her emails home to her parents.

Rekedal Smith:

The following is a challenging editorial that Glenn Penner, Communications Officer for The Voice of the Martyrs, wrote on 22 July, 2002. We read it after our return to America:

 …As M agencies, we tend to evacuate our staff when things get "hot" in our countries of service. This became most obvious in the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001, when many Ms were evacuated from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Such evacuations of M staff are, by no means, unique.

…evacuation decisions are often taken out of the hands of the Ms by government orders, the church's advice, or circumstances beyond their control. But…could it really be a reasonable supposition that God intends suffering for our national brethren, but not for the M? Would the purposes of God consistently suffer if the M remained in a situation of conflict?" 

….. I have an appalling theology of suffering. In fact, it is hardly a theology because it cannot be supported by Scripture. For me, and I suspect for my generation, comfort and security are seen as our birthright. We strive ardently to hold on to them, hardly considering the Biblical requirement to release them for the sake of the Gospel.

It's as if our motto is, 'We came to serve, not to suffer.' " 

As Communications Officer for The Voice of the Martyrs, I receive a number of emails from all over the world…[ People want to know if] it is "safe" to minister [in certain nations]. 

Usually, the answer is "Yes, for the most part." Usually foreigners are much safer in restricted societies than the national believers who do not have the luxury of evacuation. The worst thing that can usually happen to the foreign Ms is that they are expelled from the country. There are rare (and tragic) exceptions, but this is generally true. 

But…"Is it safe?” When is it ever safe to follow Jesus? Did Jesus promise a safe road? Is the call of God only to be followed if to pastures green, He leadeth me? Rather, did He not say, If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me (Matthew 16: 24)? The path of Christ is the path of the cross. Yet, how many of us are like Peter, who upon hearing that Jesus was going to follow this path, took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, …This shall never happen to you (Matthew 16: 22). Jesus replied, that such a mentality reflected the attitude of this world, rather than the mind of God (16: 23). To the mind of God, suffering is not the worst thing that can happen to His people. Disobedience is.

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