Sunday, March 18, 2018

Wrecks in Satan's Landfill

Ministry really can be messy and discouraging. I was made to realise, through a friend helpfully pointing it out to me, that we can wrongly want and expect instant results including wanting to see change in people's lives right now and getting disappointed when we don't see it. And my tendency is to too easily step back and think of giving up. This morning I read Dale Ralph Davis' commentary on Genesis 19 (what a horrible, dark chapter) and he cross references 1 Corinthians 6.9-11: the verses about those who will not inherit the kingdom of God. And then there's that wonderful line, and that is what some of you were

Davis says, 

Where else is Jesus going to get his church except from the wrecks in Satan's landfill?

Wow, that puts us in our place! We are fellow wrecks from Satan's landfill! This helps me get some perspective and realism on myself and others.

There is washing for your defilement;
there is purifying for your pollution; 
there is acquittal for your guilt.

Faith of our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25

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