Saturday, February 24, 2018

What I Do Have I Give You.

When [the man who was lame from birth] saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money.
Peter looked straight at him, as did John. 
Then Peter said, "Look at us!'"
So the man gave him his attention, expecting to get something from them.
Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."
Acts 3.3-6

This passage is so relevant for our situation. People here are so often expecting or wanting to get something from us. We get asked for all sorts of things, whether it's the social capital of being seen with an expat; helping them get a visa to the West; money; physical needs being met; help with learning English; medical help; or a job, and so the list goes on. It can feel pretty constant at times. 

Now of course we should want to help people in their very real physical needs (James 1.27; 2.16). And these needs are getting worse all the time with the lack of salaries being paid and the general sense of hopelessness for the future. But there are many times when we simply cannot help in the way they want (for example yesterday we were asked by a Syrian refugee for help in getting to Europe and we can simply say we can't do that). Just responding to physical needs of people we know could easily be more than a full time job and we are thankful for all the work many NGOs do here in that respect. 

I'm challenged by this text however to be more bold in offering the people we meet the best thing we have to give them- the Lord Jesus! And what better gift is there? I mustn't think of it as second best or feel in any way guilty for saying no to their request but offering them Jesus. What a crazy idea! I love the way the man looked at Peter and John expecting something from them (money), but he got something incomparably better. This must be our confidence when we offer Jesus- our wonderful, merciful Saviour- to people around us.

We long for the day when our friends and acquaintances meet Jesus and are transformed by him and end up, walking and jumping and praising God and then others around them will be filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to them (Acts 3.8,10).

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