Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Worship in Spirit and in Truth

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God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
John 4.24

This really made me think this morning when I read it and has been playing on my mind since then. What does it really mean to worship God in Spirit and in truth? How does worshiping not just be an emotional event? How does it stick with us, changing and shaping us? How do we spend time loving and adoring God, gazing at him, becoming like him, rather than just moving on to the next thing we have to do?

Josh Moody:

Do we worship in the Spirit and in truth? Is our worship together filled with truth about God—not empty-headed, meaningless, vacuous, content-less vagueness, but thoughtful, God-centered truth, which causes us to reflect upon and reflect outwards the truth of the gospel? And is our worship at the same time “Spiritual”—that is, not merely human-level, not just worked-up human emotions, but an actual relational bowing down, by God’s Spirit, before God himself, in love and in adoration?

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