Monday, December 18, 2017

Ministry Prayers

I came across these verses in the book of Isaiah the other day and was struck by what great prayers they are for ministry:

LORD, all that we have accomplished you have done for us.

"Father, please help me to always acknowledge that if we've achieved anything at all it has all been your work, your doing. Please would you get the glory."

We were with child, we writhed in labour,
but we gave birth to wind.
We have not brought salvation to the earth,
and the people of the world have not come to life.

"God, by your grace we have worked hard here, there has been pain and tears, but the thought of it all ending in 'giving birth to wind' is too awful a thought. We don't want our work to be burned up at the last day, but we long for it to last and bring you glory by bringing salvation and life to dead people."

Sing about a fruitful vineyard:
I, the LORD, watch over it; 
I water it continually.
I guard it day and night
so that no one may harm it.

"Father, thank you for this beautiful picture of how you care for your bride, the church. We plead with you for the fellowship here which is so small and fragile, that it would be fruitful, that you, Lord, would watch over it, water it continually and guard it so that no one may harm it."

In days to come Jacob will take root,
Israel will bud and blossom
and fill all the world with fruit.

"Father, please would this happen to the fellowship of believers here- would they take root, bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit. What a beautiful picture! Please give us faith that you can and are doing great things even though now is a day of very small things."

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