Sunday, November 26, 2017

Subtracting Turnips From Turnips

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We've just started reading this book as our read-aloud. It's so zany and fun (so far!).
This is how the book starts and I thought it's a good reminder of the importance of teaching our children the purpose of gaining knowledge:

THERE WAS ONCE a boy named Milo who didn’t know what to do with himself – not just sometimes, but always. When he was in school he longed to be out, and when he was out he longed to be in. On the way he thought about coming home, and coming home he thought about going. Wherever he was he wished he was somewhere else, and when he got there he wondered why he’d bothered. Nothing really interested him – least of all the things that should have.

 “It seems to me that almost everything is a waste of time,” he remarked one day as he walked dejectedly home from school. “I can’t see the point in learning to solve useless problems, or subtracting turnips from turnips, or knowing where Ethiopia is, or how to spell February.” And, since no one bothered to explain otherwise, he regarded the process of seeking knowledge as the greatest waste of time of all.

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