Friday, October 13, 2017

Guardian of the Gospel

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I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.
2 Timothy 1.12

John Stott:

There is great encouragement here. Ultimately it is God himself who is the guarantor of the gospel. It is his responsibility to preserve  it..We may see the evangelical faith, the faith of the gospel, everywhere spoken against, and the apostolic message of the New Testament ridiculed. We may have to watch an increasing apostasy in the church, as our generation abandons the faith of its fathers. Do not be afraid! God will never allow the light of the gospel to be finally extinguished. True, he has committed it to us, frail and fallible creatures. He has placed his treasure in brittle, earthenware vessels. And we must play our part in guarding and defending the  truth. Nevertheless, in entrusting the deposit to our hands,he has not taken his own hands off it. He is himself its final guardian, and he will preserve the truth which he has committed to the church. We know this because we know him in whom we have trusted and continue to trust.

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