Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Toxic Charity

Product Details

Robert Lupton:

Our free food and clothing distribution encourages ever-growing handout lines, diminishing the dignity of the poor while increasing their dependency. We converge on inner-city neighborhoods to plant flowers and pick up trash, bruising the pride of residents who have the capacity (and responsibility) to beautify their own environments. We fly off on mission trips to poverty-stricken villages, hearts full of pity and suitcases bulging with giveaway goods, trips that one Nicaraguan leader describes as effective only in “turning my people into beggars.” 

Giving to those in need what they could be gaining from their own initiative may well be the kindest way to destroy people.

When relief does not transition to development in a timely way, compassion becomes toxic.

Giving that continues beyond the immediate crisis produces diminishing returns. Anyone who has served among the poor for any length of time will recognize the following progression:
• give once and you elicit appreciation;
• give twice and you create anticipation;
• give three times and you create expectation;
• give four times and it becomes entitlement;
• give five times and you establish dependency.

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