Thursday, August 17, 2017

12 Questions

This is a really helpful article by John Piper called 12 Questions to Ask Before you Watch 'Game of Thrones'. It's not just good for deciding if you should watch Game of Thrones (here is what Kevin de Young thinks about that) but actually any film etc with nudity in it and how we pursue holiness.

Piper in his introduction says:

I want to invite all Christians to join me in this pursuit of greater purity of heart and mind. In our day, when entertainment media is virtually the lingua franca[common language] of the world, this is an invitation to be an alien. And I believe with all my heart that what the world needs is radically bold, sacrificially loving, God-besotted “freaks” and aliens. In other words, I am inviting you to say no to the world for the sake of the world.

The world does not need more cool, hip, culturally savvy, irrelevant copies of itself. That is a hoax that has duped thousands of young Christians. They think they have to be hip, cool, savvy, culturally aware, watching everything in order not to be freakish. And that is undoing them morally and undoing their witness.

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