Monday, December 19, 2016

Faithful in the Little

Dale Ralph Davis (No Failing Words):

We frequently and strangely prove faithful in the great crisis of faith, remain steadfast in severe storms, perhaps even relish the excitement of the heaviest assaults, yet lack the tenacity, the dogged endurance, the patient plodding often required in the prosaic affairs of believing life; we are often loath to be faithful (in what we regard as) little.

This really spoke to me because I can see how very true it can be in my own life. I have just been through quite an intense spiritual battle involving a neighbour and, although hard, intense and exhausting, it was actually in some ways thrilling. I really knew the Lord to be with me, speaking to me through his Word and his people in a very powerful and profound way. But it is the 'little' daily life things which are the hard ones to be faithful and persevere in and not give way to discontent and a grumbling spirit. For me at the moment it's the not giving way to complaining about the lack of electrcity, and struggling to get mountains of washing dry in this cold weather. These are the things that are so hard to be obedient, joyful and faithful in.

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