Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Detailed Thanks

Joshua 12 is a whole list of defeated kings. I was thankful for Dale Ralph Davis (No Failing Words) helping me to see that it is "not tedium, but thanksgiving",

It would be unfair to suggest that the Church is unwilling to thank God for all his many mercies, but on the whole it is unwilling to indulge in detailed and specific thanks. If we were to train ourselves to recognise God's goodness act by act and detail by detail, many of us would come to think more highly both of God and of the Church. Much of our despondency comes from our failing to see how much God has really achieved. 

Itemising Yahweh's goodness- that is always the method of Biblical faith (Ps 105,135,136). It is as faith gives thanks in detail that faith is nurtured, encouraged and takes on fresh heart to expect more merices. Hence we should get rid of some of the tripe in our prayers like, 'and thank you for your many, many blessings.' Name one or two of those blessings instead.

I have been finding it a really useful practice recently to write down my prayers. And specifically writing down a list of things to thank God for. It really helps my heart to be more thankful as I give time to seeing God's specific goodness, not just thanking Him quickly, on the go, in a general kind of way.

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