Thursday, December 15, 2016

See the Chains

Dale Ralph Davis (No Failing Words commentary on Joshua):

Surely this text [ch11- the defeat of the Anakim: the terror of the Israelites] at least means to assure us that Yahweh's power is adequate to meet our most dreadful fears. The form of our fears is different; the adequacy of our God is the same.

In Pilgrim's Progress Bunyan describes Christian's approach to the Palace Beautiful where he hoped to get lodging. He began to walk down a very narrow passage leading to the porter's lodge. Then he saw two lions in the way. Bunyan adds paranthetically: 'The lions were chained; but he saw not the chains.' That is frequently our case- we fear because we don't see the chains. Yet the fact that Christ sits at the Father's right hand 'far above all rule and authority and power and dominion' and has 'all things under his feet' (Eph 1.20-22) means that every power that would destroy us is chained. But sometimes we don't see the chains.

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