Sunday, October 8, 2017

Taking Refuge and Gazing

Product DetailsIn Psalm 11 David's friends advise him to flee like a bird to the mountain (v1), which is the advice of fear, against verse 1a In the LORD I take refuge. Dale Ralph Davis says:

The most religious, well-intentioned counsel may lead to living via unbelief. How can we tell the sane and the faithful apart? How we need to the ability to discern what is best (Philippians 1.9-10).
H.L.Ellison: "The love of your friends will often create your most subtle temptation."

Don't miss the assumption behind this advice. It assumes that safety is all-important. Self-preservation is important, but when I assume it is all-important I have made it an idol. The first line of this Psalm says that in Yahweh "I am as safe as I ought to be".

The LORD is in his holy temple;
the LORD is on his heavenly throne.
verse 4

It is here that David reveals the secret of steadfastness in his chaotic world...Everything depends on your vision; you can look at the wicked (For look, the wicked bend their bows verse 2) or place your eyes on Yahweh (verse 4). Despair is managed by keeping Yahweh himself at the centre of your vision. That is all that anchors you when the foundations turn to slime (verse 3- when the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?)

The upright will gaze on his face.
verse 7

Derek Kidner: "If the first line of the Psalm showed where the believer's safety lies (In the LORD I take refuge), the last line shows where his heart should be. God as 'refuge' may be sought from motives that are too self-regarding; but to 'behold his face' is a goal in which only love has any interest." There are many who are interested in safety, but only saints care about fellowship. The genuine disciple doesn't want only protection from God but communion with God. And such full and final communion is David's assurance here.

Though you have not seen him you love him (1 Peter 1.8). The sight is coming  (They will see his face Rev 22.4). And we need to remember this when all is dark and we seem to be doing little more than dodging the arrows of the wicked (v2).

Psalm 11 is saying that:
Faith needs discernment to filter out counsels of despair and fear;
Faith needs vision to see the just and reigning God;
Faith needs hope that anticipates awaking and gazing on his face.
All of this should prove of real help when everything falls apart.

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