Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Do Not be Discouraged

I love those times when we read something in the Bible that speaks in so specifically to our current circumstances. I had that a couple of days ago when I'd had a pretty discouraging day but the next morning I read Joshua 1,

Be strong and courageous...
Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged
for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1. 6, 7, 9

We can only be "strong and courageous" because,

I will be with you;
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Joshua 1.5

Dale Ralph Davis comments (Focus on the Bible commentary on Johsua):

Moses has died, but Yahweh has not changed. He is still Yahweh, the God who is present with his servant and his people to help and deliver. It is because of this assurance that Yahweh can exhort Joshua to "be strong and bold". Joshua is not told to grit his teeth and screw up his courage on his own; he is to be strong only because Yahweh is with him (verse 9) and not because Yahweh prefers leaders who are positive thinkers.

But is this promise just for Joshua? What about for me an ordinary Christian?

Keep your life free from the love of money,
and be content with what you have;
for he has said,
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Hence we can confidently say,
'The LORD is my helper,
I will not be afraid;
What can man do to me?'
Hebrews 13.5-6

The promise of God's abiding presence is also for you and is the solution to the sin of covetousness and discontent which in turn (note the 'hence' in verse 6) leads to the great freedom of life without fear! There is nothing more essential for the people of God than to hear God repeating to them amid all their changing circumstances, "I will be with you" or "I will not forsake you".

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