Monday, October 31, 2016


We're enjoying spending time with some Yezidi IDP families who live in a village just outside our city. At the moment it's the perfect weather for a visit because we get to sit outside their homes (which are actually shepherds' crofts/barns) and the children all have a great time playing together in the large dusty area. There are about six families living on the outskirts of this village. 

The children have really slot into role there: R helps out with the little ones when needed but prefers to sit with the ladies rather than playing; L loves holding the latest born baby; J makes up games with bean bags with all the children (yesterday he bent a piece of wire making it into a croquet shaped hoop then the game was to throw bean bags through it); K made friends with a girl her age and didn't want to leave her when we had to go home.

This cute boy took a liking to J and decided he wanted to live with him for "2 years".
He had to be 'encouraged' out of our car when we left!

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