Thursday, October 27, 2016

Divine Timing

I discovered something reading the book of Esther today which I've never seen before (thanks to Beth Moore's study book I'm using). After Haman gets permission from the King to kill all the Jews in Persia he sends out the edict announcing their annihilation on the 13th day of the first month, meaning it would most likely arrive on the 14th day (Esther 3.12-13). From Leviticus 23.4-5, we know this was the day the Passover would have been celebrated in Jewish homes. God was in complete control of the timing. Beth Moore comments:

That very evening at dusk, in accordance with God's command, the fathers were to recount to their families the story of Israel's deliverance from the mighty Egyptians. They told about the terrible bondage and oppression, about Pharaoh and his arrogant unwillingness to release them, and about the 10 dreadful plagues. They also rehearsed every detail of the miraculous redemption in the ears of their wives and children, but this time no doubt choking back the tears...Celebration turned to shock and horror, but for those who were willing, perhaps also to hope....

That Passover night after the edict was posted in every province of the empire, the Jews were reminded who they were and what God had done for them. The story of God's merciful redemption gave those who were willing a hope against hope. Could he who had delivered them from the Egyptians not also deliver them from the Persians?

Remember what God has done for you! Rehearse the story again. He who delivered you from a Pharaoh can deliver you from any Haman. Remember who you are. 

The Jews had become assimilated into Persian society (how otherwise could no one have known Esther was a Jew? It should have been blindingly obvious). They decided not to return to Jerusalem when their deliverance was decreed by Cyrus. Moore:

They decided they liked  Persian life and stayed put. Then came Haman. Maybe that's one reason God allows "Hamans" to come along in life- so we'll quit being so at home here.

This makes me think of the West- maybe life will become harder for believers (which we see already happening for those who stand up for the truth in certain areas of life eg Ashers Bakers in N. Ireland) in order that we will become more visible and less assimilated and at home here. 

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