Friday, September 9, 2016

Alien Children

I've been listening to How to Raise an Alien Child, a workshop by Jen Wilkin at The Gospel Coalition, over the past couple of days and I'm so excited to recommend it. It's so full of Biblical, practical wisdom and advice. I've learnt such a lot from what she said.

Here's a summary of the talk taken from TGC website:

"So much of parental decision-making can focus on helping our kids “fit in.” But 1 Peter 2:11-12 calls believers to live as aliens and strangers, in such a way that our unmistakably strange lives bring glory to God. As Christian parents, our greatest hope for our children is that they would grow to know, love, and serve God with everything they have. But those who grow to know, love, and serve God with everything they have don’t blend in. This podcast examines six key areas in which we can help our children trade the comfort of “fitting in” for the calling of standing out."

(The 6 key areas are: Schedule, Money, Speech, Dress, Friendship, Entertainment)

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