Tuesday, May 17, 2016


It's such a privilege to be friends with refugees. They really enrich our lives and there's such a lot we can learn from them- resilience, survival, cheerfulness in the face of loss and poverty. We have found that the children have a really valuable role to play with refugees. We're thankful that we really can do ministry as a family here. 

The children have recently been taught how to make balloon animals which, as you may be able to imagine, has proved very popular with refugee children. At one camp we went to last week more and more children kept coming into our friends' tent to get an animal for themselves! The dad in the end had to chase them all out!

Peg dolls have been popular too. Lots of the children we see don't go to school so they love doing crafts.

A selection of heykels -unfinished buildings- in a village full of refugees:

An overspill from one of the biggest camps

Friends invited us to their home for the wedding of their son. It was so simple but such a happy occasion.

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